Arch Options

Arch options are only available through the Cabinet Standards, in the Rails section. To get to this section, go to the Edit Elevations screen and click on the cabinet to customize it. Click on the Cabinet Standards section on the right. Any customizations done in this section will affect only this one cabinet. Click on Rails, then Arch Options to bring up this screen:

Any rail can be arched in the cabinet and all of the windows look like the above.

  • No Arch: By default, no arch is selected. To add an arch, put a dot next to upward arch.
  • Arch Depth: This is the distance from the bottom of your rail to the top of where the arch will be at its' peak.
  • In from Left: This is the distance that you specify from the left stile to where the arch begins.
  • In from Right: This is the distance that you specify from the right stile to where the arch begins.