Connect Toe Kicks

By default, base cabinets are built with a back toe kick. If you have not disabled this feature in Initial Values under Toe Kicks, then a back toe board will be included in base cabinets. The "Connect Toe Kicks" button is a tool that allows you to pick one or more cabinets in a room so you can "connect" the front and back toe boards together. Doing this makes a long run of toe kicks often called a "Ladder Kick".

  • NOTE: Some cabinets will not be allowed to have their toe boards connected.

To Connect Toe Kicks from one or more cabinets within the current room:

  1. In the Place Cabinets Screen, click on the Connect Toe Kicks button in the Tool Box to the right of the screen. You will notice a new Tool Box appear. You are now set to select the cabinets whose toe boards you want to connect.
  2. To select a cabinet, simply move your mouse cursor to where it is touching the cabinet you want to connect, then click the left mouse button. The outline of the cabinet you've selected will change colors to a bright BLUE. This indicates which cabinets have been selected.
  3. Continue clicking on cabinets until you've highlighted all the cabinets that you want to connect. You can click on the "Select All Cabinets" button if you want to connect all the cabinets in the current room.
    • Note: By clicking on a cabinet a second time causes the cabinet to become "unselected" and that cabinet then won't be marked to have its toe boards connected.
  4. Once you've selected all the cabinets in the group of cabinets you want to connect, click on the "Connect Toe Kicks" button. This will mark the selected cabinets to have their toe boards connected. The selected cabinets will now turn RED letting you know which cabinets are going to have their toe kicks connected.
  5. If at any time you want to check which cabinets are selected to have their toe boards connected, come back to this screen and see if any cabinets are RED.
  6. If you would like to un-mark certain cabinets from having their toe boards connected, follow steps 2 through 4, except now click on the "Disconnect Toe Kicks" button. This will un-mark the selected cabinets from having their toe boards connected. The toe boards will now be independent.

If you move your mouse cursor around, as it touches each cabinet, information about that cabinet appears in the top of the Tool Box. Included in that information is whether a cabinet is selected and whether its toe boards will be connected.